Teachers as Leaders for People and Planet

Welcome to Teachers for the Planet

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Learning Planet Institute, the Aga Khan Foundation and Teach For All are excited to lead the Teachers for the Planet Programme.

The programme galvanizes action to foster explicit and concrete links between the education and climate change sectors for real impact at the school and system levels, with tangible outputs that position education actors for climate action and leadership.
The coalition and programme puts teachers and education leaders firmly at the centre of the educational response to our climate crisis.

The programme has now started looking for solutions for its repository of 100 education solutions that will be presented to leaders and policymakers at COP28, and we need your help to find them!

Are you an exceptional educator or educational leader working to address the climate crisis in your classroom, school or community?

If so, please share your climate education solution with us and share this invitation with your networks.

Submit your solution

Unleashing the creativity of teachers and students to combat climate change through student-driven and student-led community-based climate action projects would be a quick win for improving the overall quality of education for the 21st century rife with crises.

Brookings Institution Report, 2021

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Background to the programme

We have learned from research, forums, and peers that educators and teachers are often absent from the design of the educational response to the climate crisis. In the lead-up to COP28, we intend to change this.

More about the co-leads

The Aga Khan Foundation’s Schools2030 global community of ‘1000 schools’, 50,000′ educators and 500,000 learners across 10 countries to design new solutions for improving holistic learning outcomes, including advancing climate resilience in and through education.

Visit Aga Khan Foundation

The Learning Planet Institute, whose mission is to explore, research and share new ways of learning and cooperating in order to respond to the needs of the youth and the planet.

Visit Learning Planet Institute

Teach For All is a global network 
of 61+ independent national organizations and hosts a global Climate Education Community of 420+ members (staff, alumni, teacher participants) from across the world and leads several other global climate education initiatives.

Visit Teach For All

The Teachers for the Planet Programme is looking for 100 outstanding teacher-led climate education solutions to be featured in our online repository that will be presented at COP28.
Are you an exceptional educator working to address the climate crisis in your school or community?

Submit your solution